Money Management for Everyone

About Us

Magnolia Money is a personal financial advising service.

We exist to help everyday people live better lives by taking control of any personal financial situation.

What differentiates Magnolia Money from other financial advisors?

  • We are passionate about young, middle-class people, not the uber-wealthy. You'll never hear our advisors talk about "wealth management" or "estate planning".

  • Your best interests are our best interests. Many financial advisors are incentivized to push you into complicated investments from which the advisor benefits, not you. Magnolia Money will never sell you its own investments, and will never recommend any investment without first making sure that you understand it.

Learn more about Magnolia Money in About Us

About You

You probably didn't major in Finance. You probably don't study the federal tax code. Your eyes probably glaze over when you hear "financial instruments", "fiduciaries", and "annuities". And that's ok.

That puts you in the 90% of people who are perfectly capable of understanding and taking control of their personal financial circumstances, but never had a judgement-free financial mentor invested in improving their fluency and autonomy with money. This is where Magnolia Money advisors come into play.

Magnolia Money provides coaching through most of life's typical financial puzzles regardless of what phase of life you're in. We welcome clients who are:

What We Can Do Together

Working with a Magnolia Money advisor puts you in front of a professional who will help to demystify your personal financial world. This setting gives you an opportunity to learn about and put a plan in place for your:

  • Student loan repayment

  • Budgeting, saving, and retirement planning

  • Career planning and development

  • Combining finances in a relationship

  • Real Estate transactions (renting and buying)

Service Models

We pride ourselves on approachability and transparency, and so the models for our available services are approachable and transparent too. We offer Advisory Consulting, Partnerships, and Magnolia Maps:

Advisory Consulting - Generally one-time sessions (or multiple sessions) with a financial advisor for a fixed fee so that you have a knowledgeable audience to direct your questions to, discuss options, learn, and ultimately get answers and advice.

Partnerships - An on-going support relationship in which you meet with the same dedicated advisor in regular periods from monthly to yearly to assess your situation, progress, and trajectory towards long-term goals. Don't even have long-term goals identified yet? Maybe a Partnership model is right for you!

Magnolia Maps - A holistic assessment of your financial past, present, and future in order to paint your pathway to prosperity. This service model is based around delivery and review of an extensively customized report called a "Magnolia Map" which acts as your financial road map for the next 20+ years.